Send data in POST payload. Every request must contain authentication information. Authentication can be provided in two ways:
X-TD-Write-Key: <APIKEY>
formatIn case both header and URL parameter are provided, the header takes precedence.
The body of the request can be any key value pairs you want to send. Specify JSON as a body. The JSON content immediately becomes a record in Treasure Data. Also include Content-Type: application/json in HTTP request headers.
Suggested Parameters:
td_record_time: UNIX timestamp value, to set time column in Treasure Data. If it's not specified, the time records were received is used instead. Received timestamps that older than 7 days, and newer than 3 days ahead of the current date are ignored.
td_global_id: TODO
td_ua: user-agent
Parameter values are processed as the data type string, and cannot be changed at the ingestion time.
Bad Request
{- "param1": "value1",
- "param2": "value2"
{- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- "Date": "Wed, DD MM YYYY xx:yy:zz GMT",
- "Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=31536000",
- "Content-Length": 2,
- "Connection": "keep-alive"