API Key and API Server Search Order Reference

If you discover you can’t access a database you think you ought to have access to, check that you’re in the correct environment and using the correct API key. You can verify the td config and environmental variables are consistent with the API key and endpoint you need to access using the appropriate commands for your operating system. With correct permissions, the inability to access a specific database could happen for various reasons. To help determine the reason, it’s helpful to understand the order in which TD Toolbelt searches for the API key and API server:

Search Order for the API Key

  1. Specified on the command line by td -k option, which allows you to specify an API key instead of reading the config file
  2. TREASURE_DATA_API_KEY environment variable
  3. TD_API_KEY environment variable
  4. TD_API_KEY in config file which path is specified by td -c option
  5. TD_API_KEY in config file which path is specified by TREASURE_DATA_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
  6. TD_API_KEY in config file which path is specified by TD_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
  7. TD_API_KEY in config file locates at ~/.td/td.conf

Search Order for the API Server

  1. Specified on the command line by td -e option, which allows you to designate an endpoint
  2. TREASURE_DATA_API_SERVER environment variable
  3. TD_API_SERVER environment variable
  4. TD_API_SERVER in config file which path is specified by td -c option
  5. TD_API_SERVER in config file which path is specified by TREASURE_DATA_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
  6. TD_API_SERVER in config file which path is specified by TD_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
  7. TD_API_SERVER in config file locates at ~/.td/td.conf